and related familes
This is the genealogical
homepage of Annemarth Sterringa,
My wish to know the origins of the given names of my
grandparents Geert Sterringa
and Anna Martha Gonda Winterwerp
has led to a truly serious, genealogical research.
For Winterwerp see the link at the bottom of
this page.
As for Sterringa, apparently there have been
two Sterringa familes:
· An extinct 16th-C. family of which a young lady Sterringa got married to a young man from Oudeschoot. Their children styled themselves Schotanus à Sterringa.
Atse Sterringa (born ca.
1560) and his wife, and their offspring. The present generation of Sterringa's - about eighty at the time - has descended from
this couple through the 19th-C. painter Hermanus Tjesses Sterringa and his wife Elske Gerbens Stiemstra.
Sterringa family reunion
After I had also thanks to contributions of my cousins
and others drawn up the Sterringa family tree, Lyckle Sterringa organised a family reunion in Gorredijk,
where the family had lived from 1735 until 1906. This family picture
was taken during our visit to the Streekmuseum Opsterlân in Gorredijk.
At the occasion of the opening of the exposition about our common forefather
"De Opsterlandse kunstschilder
[=painter] Hermanus Sterringa
en zijn thuisdorp
[=hometown] Gorredijk" (catalogue) held in Gorredijk
in the spring of 2004 many of the family met again.
Descendants of
Hermanus Tjesses Sterringa text + index , chart + map , tree
Four generations of descendants of my father's great-great-grandfather
Berend Hayen Tönjes Kruse text + index , chart + map , tree
Four generations of descendants of my mother's great-grandfather
Martje Berends (van der Veen) text + index , chart + map , tree , diagram
Four generations of descendants of my father's (great-)great-great-grandmother
Kaatje Beekman text + index , chart + map , tree
generations of descendants of my mother's great-great-grandmother
Frederik Everts text (English) + index , chart + map , tree
The Norwegian descendancy of my children
Cornelis Siemons / Seijmensz text (English) + index , chart + map , tree
The Swedish descendancy of my children
(The Norwegian and Swedish lines
came together in Amsterdam in 1763)
Kalverboer text + index , chart + map , tree
de Neef(f) text + index , chart + map , graphical with time scale , tree
Smit text + index
, chart + map , tree
Sterringa graphical with time scale + map , tree
Winterwerp text + index , chart + map , tree
Zestiene text + index , chart + map , tree
Acker text + index , chart + map
Ansems de Vries text + index , chart + map
Becherer text + index , chart + map
Brunsting text + index , chart + map
Boersma text + index , chart + map
Degelink text + index , chart + map
Gransbergen text + index , chart + map
Havinga text + index , chart + map
Helder text + index , chart + map
Herder text + index , chart + map
Hommema text + index , chart + map
van der Hulst text + index , chart + map
Okkes text + index , chart + map
Pals text + index
, chart + map
Schaafsma text + index , chart + map
Schoot text + index , chart + map
van Slobbe text + index , chart + map
Steltman text + index , chart + map
Vliegop text + index , chart + map
Wagenaar text + index , chart + map
van der Wilt text + index
, chart + map
de Neef - Kuijper text + index
, chart + map
As many ancestors as possible of my father-in-law
de Neef - Sterringa text
Six generations of ancestors of my children, with links to other families
van Slobbe - van der
Horst text + index , chart + map
As many ancestors as possible of my mother-in-law
Smit - van Schaik text + index , chart + map
As many ancestors as possible of
my mother
Sterringa - Kalverboer text + index
, chart + map
As many ancestors as possible of my grandfather Sterringa
Winterwerp - Waalkens text + index
, chart + map
As many ancestors as possible of my grandmother Sterringa née Winterwerp
The charts and trees have been made with Tom de Neef's
Genealogica Grafica
Barendregt, Genealogie
De Neef - De Neeff
Sterringa not in graphical family tree
Sterringa family crest, source: CBG Steenkamp/Damstra collection
Additions and
corrections are welcome
Update: January 1, 2025